landscape design container
Garden Flowers (container)
 Sand Verbena
 Bacopa (Sutera)
 Indian Strawberry, Mock Strawberry
 Floss Flower
 Floss Flower
 Barbarea Rupicola
 Blue pimpernel
 Snapdragon, Weasel's Snout
 Baby Sunrose, Heartleaf Ice Plant
 Petunia Fortunia
 Patience Plant, Balsam, Jewel Weed, Busy Lizzie
 Wax Begonias
 Wax Begonia, Tuberous Begonia
 Bur Marigold, Apache Beggarticks
 Ground Orchid, The Striped Bletilla
 Glory Of The Sun
 Swan River daisy
 Mouse Plant, Mousetail Plant
 Lingonberry, Mountain Cranberry, Cowberry, Foxberry
 Bush Violet, Sapphire Flower
 Cape Daisy, Monarch of the Veldt
 Poor Man's Orchid, Butterfly Flower
 Crown Windfower, Grecian Windflower, Poppy Anemone
 Honeywort, Blue Shrimp Plant, Blue Wax Flower
 Blue rock bindweed
 Bull's Eye, Daisy Bush, African Bush-daisy, Paris Daisy, Golden Daisy Bush
 Red Feathered Clover, Ornamental Clover, Red Trefoil
 Heliotrope, Cherry pie plant
 Hardy geranium, Wild Geranium
 Atlasflower, Farewell-to-Spring, Godetia
 Japanese Anemone
 Monkey Flower
 Sticky Monkeyflower
 Diascia, Twinspur
 Livingstone Daisy
 Douglasia, Rocky Mountain Dwarf-Primrose, Vitaliana
 Zaluzianskya, Night Phlox
 Narrowleaf California Fuchsia, Hoary Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet
 Strawberry Sticks
 Sweet-William Catchfly, None-So-Pretty, Rose of Heaven
 Ionopsidium acaule
 Spider Lily, Ismene, Sea Daffodil
 Pot Marigold
 Calla Lily, Arum Lily
 Lady's Slipper, Slipper Flower, Slipperwort, Pocketbook Plant, Pouch Flower
 Fawn Lily
 Canna Lily, Indian shot plant
 Indian Paintbrush
 Love Plant, Cupid's Dart
 False Blue Flax
 Rosebay willowherb
 Wood Sorrel, Whitsun Flower, Green Snob, Sleeping Beauty
 Alpine Spring Beauty
 Yellow Daisy
 Blue-Eyed Mary, Chinese Houses
 Campanula, Italian Bellflower
 False Autumn Crocus, Showy Colchicum, Naked Ladies, Meadow Saffron
 Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Tickseed Coreopsis
 Goldmane Tickseed
 Cat mint
 Florist's Cineraria
 Early Crocus, Tommasini's Crocus, Snow Crocus, Tommies
 Stonecress, Aethionema
 Everlasting, Immortelle, Strawflower, Paper Daisy, Everlasting Daisy
 Cardinal Climber, Cypress Vine, Indian Pink
 Wallflower, Cheiranthus
 Lily of the valley, May Bells, Our Lady's Tears
 Garden Stock
 Night Stock, Perfume Plant, Night-scented Stock
 Venus' Looking Glass
 Tidy tips
 Lion's ear, Lion's Tail, Wild Dagga
 Dwarf pepperweed
 False Baby Stars
 Poached egg plant, Meadow Foam
 Large-flowered Phlox, Mountain Phlox, California Phlox
 Maltese Cross, Jerusalem Cross, London Pride
 Edging Lobelia, Annual Lobelia, Trailing Lobelia
 Sweet Alyssum, Sweet Alison, Seaside Lobularia
 Linaria bipartita
 Dwarf Snapdragon, Fairy Snapdragon, Malling Toadflax
 Sweet Marjoram, Knotted Marjoram
 Lady's mantle
 Bellis daisy, English Daisy, Lawn Daisy, Bruisewort
 Himalayan blue poppy
 Butter Daisy, Melampodium, Gold Medallion Flower, Star Daisy
 Mexican Daisy, Santa Barbara Daisy, Dancing Daisy, Latin American Fleabane, Seaside Daisy
 Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru
 Gold Lobelia, Yellow Lobelia
 Irish Moss, Pearlwort, Scottish or Scotch Moss
 Cape Jewels
 Nemophila, Baby Blue-eyes
 Cup Flower
 Aubrieta, Rock Cress
 Golden drop
 White Buttercup, Pale Evening Primrose
 Evening primrose
 African Daisy, Cape Daisy
 Hooded-leaf Pelargonium, Tree Pelargonium, Wilde Malva
 Sedum aizoon
 Foothill Penstemon, Chaparral Penstemon, Bunchleaf Penstemon
 Eastern Penstemon, Hairy Beardtongue
 Egyptian star flower, Egyptian Star Cluster
 Liverleaf, Liverwort, Roundlobe Hepatica
 Painted Daisy, Golden Feather, Golden Feverfew
 Arctic Raspberry, Arctic Bramble
 Sun Plant, Portulaca, Rose Moss
 Navelwort, Blue-Eyed-Mary, Creeping Forget-Me-Not
 Chinese foxglove
 Red Star, Rosy Posy
 German Chamomile, Scented Mayweed
 Scarlet Sage, Scarlet Salvia, Red Sage, Red Salvia
 Clary Sage, Painted Sage, Horminum Sage
 Creeping Zinnia, Sanvitalia
 Bloodroot, Red Puccoon
 Purple Viper's Bugloss, Salvation Jane, Paterson's Curse, Riverina Bluebell
 Scabiosa, Pincushion Flower
 Yellow Hawkweed
 Pink Hawk's Beard, Hawksbeard
 Glory of the snow
 Sparaxis, Harlequin Flower
 Garden Thyme, English Thyme, Common Thyme
 Crassula milfordiae
 Clown Flower, Wishbone Flower
 Townsendia, Easter Daisy
 Parachute daisy
 Californian bluebell, Lacy Phacelia, Blue Curls, Caterpillar, Fiddleneck, Spider Flower, Wild Heliotrope
 Blue Daisy, Blue Marguerite
 Viola, Pansy
 Horned Pansy, Horned Violet
 Annual Phlox, Drummond's Phlox
 Honeysuckle Fuchsia
 Alpine Bluets, Mountain Bluets, Quaker Ladies
 Cockscomb, Plume Plant, Feathered Amaranth
 Spanish Shawl, Princess Flower, Sea of Flowers
 Sow Bread, Hardy Cyclamen
 Hound's Tongue, Gypsyflower, Chinese Forget-Me-Not
 Aztec Lily, Jacobean Lily
 Persian Violet, German Violet
 Spanish Bluebell, Wood Hyacinth
 Bush Daisy, Green Euryops
 Prairie Gentian, Lisianthus, Texas Bluebell
 California Poppy
 Kidney Vetch, Lady's Fingers
 Puncturevine, Caltrop, Goat's Head, Bullhead, Maltese Cross
 Day Flower, Spiderwort, Widows Tears
 Blackberry Lily, Leopard Lily
 Abyssinian Gladiolus, Peacock Orchid, Fragrant Gladiolus, Sword Lily
 Ranunculus, Persian Buttercup, Turban Buttercup, Persian Crowfoot
 Cape Fuchsia
 Rose Periwinkle, Cayenne Jasmine, Madagascar Periwinkle, Old Maid, Vinca
 Ground Morning Glory, Bush Morning Glory, Silverbush
 Alstroemeria, Peruvian Lily, Lily of the Incas
 Tanacetum parthenium
 Ice Plant
 Striped Squill, Snowdrift, Early Stardrift
 Triteleia, Grass Nut, Ithuriel's Spear, Wally Basket
 Burridges Greenthread, Burridge's Green-thread
 Dutch Iris, Spanish Iris
 Yellow Ageratum, Golden Ageratum, African Daisy
 Fairy Fan Flower
 New Zealand Burr
 Lily of the Nile, African Lily
 Corn Cockle
 Mask flower
 Fly Poison
 Mount Atlas Daisy, Mt. Atlas Daisy, Pellitory, Spanish Chamomile
 Anacyclus radiatus
 Snowcup, Spurred Anoda, Wild Cotton
 Baboon Flower
 Purple Berkheya
 Coral Drops
 Calibrachoa, Million Bells
 Rain Lily
 Oxblood lily, schoolhouse lily
 False Garlic
 Torch Lily, Blood Lily, Paintbrush Lily, Football Lily, Powderpuff Lily, Fireball Lily
 Grass Nut, Ithuriel's Spear, Wally Basket
 Bulbine, Bulbinella, Burn Jelly Plant, Stalked Bulbine, Orange Bulbine
 Angelonia Serena, Summer Snapdragon
 Peruvian Daffodil, Perfumed Fairy Lily, Delicate Lily
 Milla, Mexican Star
 Glory Of The Sun
 Painted Peacock Flower, Peacock Stars
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Ornamental Plants (container)
 Dwarf White-Stripe bamboo, Kamuro-zasa
 Siberian Bugloss, False Forget-Me-Not, Perennial Forget-Me-Not
 Dunce's Caps
 Silver Falls, Silver Dichondra, Silver Pony-foot, Kidneyweed
 Cogon Grass, Satintail, Japanese Blood Grass
 Beef steak Plant
 Bloodleaf, Chicken Gizzard
 Coleus, Flame Nettle, Painted Nettle
 Pampas grass
 Hare's Tail Grass, Bunny Tails
 Striped Manna Grass, Reed Manna Grass
 Poinsettia, Noche Buena, , Christmas flower
 Cushion spurge
 Carex, Sedge
 New Zealand Hair Sedge
 Chinese fountain grass, Pennisetum
 Mugwort dwarf
 Brittle Bladder Fern, Fragile Fern, Brittle Fern
 Quaking Grass
 Hakone Grass, Japanese Forest Grass
 Bloody Dock, Red-veined Dock, Bloodwort
 Helichrysum, Curry Plant, Immortelle
 Wood Sorrel, Whitsun Flower, Green Snob, Sleeping Beauty
 Lithodora zahnii
 Lungwort, Jerusalem Cowslip, Jerusalem Sage, Spotted Dog, Soldiers and Sailors
 JovibarbaHouseleek, Hen-and-Chickens
 Dusty Miller, Silver Ragwort
 Lemon Thyme
 Lily-turf, Snake's beard, Black Dragon, Black Mondo Grass
 Lamb's ears
 Chameleon plant
 Polka dot plant, Freckle Face
 Pheasant's Tail Grass, Feather Grass, New Zealand wind grass
 Heucherella, Foamy Bells
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